3 Effective Ways to Offer Profitable Holiday Deals

Did you know, most small businesses bring in 20 to 40% of their annual revenue during the last two months of the year? Let’s make sure you do too, with these quick tips.

  1. Offer Bundles with Price Points People Love

People LOVE bundles, and it’s because it always increases the perceived value of what they’re buying. Businesses who offer bundles often advertise them with price points that inspire shoppers to buy for someone specific. Using phrases like “10 Things She Will Love for Under $10” or “$20 Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Coworkers,” businesses inspire and entice consumers at the same time.

Take for example how grocery stores sell bundles by flavor or type of meal, while a skincare line might bundle cosmetic items. Retailers present promotions to redeem full-size products from purchasing a bundle of minis. It works in any industry, and businesses can use bundled items to introduce new products while securing increased sales.

  1. Create Loyalty Programs Specifically for Holiday Shoppers

Do you have loyal customers or people who subscribe to your email offers? It’s important to run promotions to gain new customers, but it’s just as important to keep the same happy customers coming back.

Reward them with loyalty programs by exclusively sending offers that sound something like, “40% off your purchase of $50 or more ONLY for loyalty shoppers.” You could also offer additional points that are only gained during the month of December, giving holiday shoppers additional redeemable points for purchasing during the holiday month.

  1. Promote on Social Media

No matter what type of business you have, almost all consumers use at least one social media platform. According to the Pew Research Center, 90% of adults use social media and those with higher incomes lead the way.

Don’t you want to make sure your special offers are visible and seen in as many places as possible, to as many people as possible? Being present on social media not only expands the reach of your offers, but each offer can also be shared repeatedly with prospective customers you may have never reached otherwise.


With Shooger, you can send holiday offers through email and even social media within minutes. Use bold, eye-catching images to grab the attention of new customers. To learn more about how easy creating and sending your promotional offers can be, contact us.

Please feel free to contact our support team with questions and concerns at any time. Email us at support@shooger.com or call toll free at 1-888-606-4738

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